As the Trans-Border Institute reports, Reforma, one of Mexico City’s most prominent daily newspapers, counted 7,443 organized crime-related murders between January 1 and July 25, a 20 percent rise from the same period last year.
The federal government hasn’t released its totals for this year, but the number of organized-crime related murders reported by the authorities has for the last couple of years been significantly higher than most media counts. For example, Reforma counted 11,583 in 2010, while the government later said there had been 15,273.
The Trans-Border report implies that the pattern of divergence between the two scores will repeat itself. Looking at last year's figures, this could mean that the government would count more than 20,000 drug killings in 2011 -- an extremely high number. However, the difference between the media and government figures has never been properly explained, so there is no real reason to assume that it will continue; the two counts may simply end up closer together in 2011, for any number of possible reasons.
A more nefarious possibility is that the government might intentionally massage the numbers downward. Organized crime is a vague designation, and the line between this and street delinquency is not always clear. A government intent on demonstrating that violence has plateaued could adopt a stricter definition for organized crime-related killing, and therefore point to a drop in drug violence.
Beyond the numbers themselves, the distribution of the killings is also striking. As Trans-Border stated (and as InSight Crime has noted in the past), the level of violence in Juarez has dropped off substantially in 2011: while 350 people were killed in October 2010, the figure dropped to a two-year low of 150 in May. (The figures have since rebounded, though with 216 murders in July, Juarez is still far less violent today than last year.)
But despite the substantial drop in killings in the city, sometimes referred to as the most dangerous on earth, violence in Mexico as a whole appears to be on the upswing. In particular, the murder rates have spiked in Guerrero, the southern Pacific state where a number of different gangs are gunning for control; Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, where the Zetas and the Gulf Cartel have been engaged in a battle for territory since early 2010; and Durango, where internecine battles among different Sinaloa Cartel factions are thought to be behind the discovery of hundreds of bodies in clandestine graves around the state capital.
Such increases count against the government’s assertion that the violence is strictly limited to a few geographic regions.
The Trans-Border report comes days after a report from INEGI, Mexico’s governmental statistical agency, which put the final total of all murders in Mexico in 2010 at 24,374. This represents a nearly 25 percent jump from 2009, in which 19,803 people were murdered across the country, including in killings unrelated to organized crime.
This continues a worrying trend past several years; after a low of 8,867 homicides in 2007, the number of murders has nearly tripled. The increase in violence related to organized crime is the biggest reason for the rise in overall murders -- according to the government data, the number of murders not related to organized crime actually declined in 2010 by roughly 1,000.
The increase in violence, while more severe in some regions than others, is widespread, further undermining the government’s argument that the drug violent is concentrated in a handful of hotspots. According to INEGI, only three of the country's 31 states witnessed a decline in the murder rate from 2005 through 2010.
Stormo Rochalie Aviation and Private Military Security Supplying consultancy services on military and civilian jets and providing high end armed protection, maritime security and hostage negotiations and rescue services.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
KSK-- KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte (Special Forces Command, KSK or Kampfschwimmer ("Combat Swimmers") or Verwendungsgruppe 3402 (Usage Group 3402)
We are actively seeking former SF personnel from Germany who have served in these units for private security Special Forces operations.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Maritime Piracy from an experienced perspective and pirate infested areas.
We reproduce an article by Capt Fredrik C Jonsson here on maritime counter-terrorism and piracy threats.
Note tactics and disposition of pirates.
Click here for a the article.
Note tactics and disposition of pirates.
Click here for a the article.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Citadels NOT a cure for piracy prevention....
No Room for Complacency
Citadels Must Be Appropriately Set Up to Work
By GLEN FORBES 10/12/2011
Glen Forbes is a former Royal Naval officer who runs our partner organization, a website aimed at promoting better communication between maritime vessels in dangerous environments.
MV Montecristo
Safe rooms, safety zones, safe muster points or citadels; whatever the viewpoint, they are becoming the de facto reaction to pirate attacks off Somalia in East Africa and the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa.
Military authorities and shipping associations have resolutely stated that citadels - let’s stick with that moniker - “should be complimentary to, rather than a replacement for, all other Ship Protection Measures set out in the eponymous Best Management Practice (version 4), BMP4” booklet.
The recent successes in the use of citadels have only gone to further endorse their reputation. Italian vessel, MV Montecristo, almost hijacked by Somali pirates, which was then rescued by UK and US Special Forces under NATO command, is one such good example. The other noteworthy case is the Norwegian product tanker, Northern Bell, which was boarded off Cotonou in Benin. The crew locked themselves in the engine room and contacted the Company Security Officer. The pirates left the ship and the crew were able to regain control the following day.
MV Arrilah I was boarded by 10 pirates earlier this year. The crew had withdrawn to the safe room. One crew member was slightly injured when a grenade was thrown down the funnel, which was connected to the safe room; smoke was used but the crew had breathing apparatus. They were able to control the ship from the safe room and continued to navigate the ship towards UAE waters with a coalition aircraft guiding them from nearby. What followed was a 30-hour siege until UAE and US forces stormed the ship on Saturday, April 2.
Hurrah! However, there are cases to demonstrate that successful employment of a citadel is not guaranteed. Returning to BMP4, a key point to bear in mind, even having applied the criterion stated is that, “the use of a citadel cannot guarantee a naval/military response.”
Cases in point – the Beluga Nomination was attacked in January this year approximately 390nm North of the Seychelles. The German owners described attempts to rescue the crew as a "disaster".
"The crew spent two and a half days in a reinforced room but nobody came to help them," they said.
Pirates had the time to break into the citadel, which called into question its positioning, but more importantly, whether the enforcement of the area was adequately prepared in light of the distance from any naval force.
Somali pirates hit the 22,600-dwt Pacific Express on September 20, and it was feared the ship had been taken. The crew had retreated to the citadel and were later rescued by an Italian warship. The vessel was abandoned approximately 87nm southeast of the hijack attempt location. In frustration at not getting their prey, the pirates set fire to the ship. The vessel was eventually towed into Mombasa, and the damage clearly
demonstrates the danger to the crew’s safety if rescue was not at hand.
There you have it; citadels in a nut ‘shell’ are good if they are appropriately prepared, fitted out with communications and sufficient provisions for a engthy stay. They are bad if they are not appropriately prepared, sighted and provisioned, and can become a tomb for the frightened crew. More mportantly, and following a combination of circumstances which are entirely possible, if a naval unit is unable to reach the target vessel in good
time (suggest 2 days maximum), and the pirates have access to flammable materials, be it already on board as they have freedom of the remainder of the ship, or they decide to utilize the fuel they carry on skiffs and
motherships, then the fate of the crew does not bear thinking about.
Following recent comments that naval assets are likely to become more scarce in the region as austerity policies and other commitments take hold in 2012, the ‘go to’ response of citadels will become another aspect that the seafaring community will have to re-evaluate. There is no room for complacency.
Pacific Express on fire OCEANUSLive gave fair warning of the possibility as long ago as November 2010.
Assignments in Colombia and how to contact us
"Colombia is the kidnap capital of the world, a country in the grip of a civil war and
savaged by feuding drug gangs." says the Daily Mail of the UK
We are also offering PSD or Protective Security Details for Argentina and Colombia...
Also offered are estate hardening and security
contact us at
StormoRochalie (at)
savaged by feuding drug gangs." says the Daily Mail of the UK
We are also offering PSD or Protective Security Details for Argentina and Colombia...
Also offered are estate hardening and security
contact us at
StormoRochalie (at)
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
kidnapping of American in Somalia-- where was the Protective Security Detail
PSDs are important. More so in lawless Somalia where one cannot trust
NGOs as well as non-NGOs who are in Somalia without supplying some sort of security details to their staff and management in addition to their convoys are simply irresponsible and naive.
The American in this case was identified as
Jessica Buchanan of Rosslyn Virginia, USA
We do hostage rescues in Africa.
Call on us.
Read more:
- the Federal Government
- Pirates
- Rebel Fighters
- Just about anybody, with or without a gun
NGOs as well as non-NGOs who are in Somalia without supplying some sort of security details to their staff and management in addition to their convoys are simply irresponsible and naive.
The American in this case was identified as
Jessica Buchanan of Rosslyn Virginia, USA
We do hostage rescues in Africa.
Call on us.
State Department Confirms Kidnapping of U.S. Citizen in Somalia
Published October 26, 2011
- APAfrican Union peacekeepers are seen in the Deynile district of the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011.
A U.S. citizen has been kidnapped in northern Somalia, the U.S. State Department confirmed Wednesday.
"We remain concerned about the individual's safety and well-being. We are working with contacts in Kenya and Somalia to ascertain further information and have been in contact with the individual's family to provide appropriate consular assistance. The United States condemns kidnappings of any kind, and we call for the immediate release of all of the victims involved. Due to the privacy laws, we have no further information at this time," the department said in a statement.
Gunmen have abducted a 32-year-old female American aid worker in northern Somalia along with a Danish and a Somali colleague as their convoy headed to the airport. The kidnappings come only weeks after four Europeans were seized by suspected Somali gunmen in neighboring Kenya.
A self-proclaimed Somali pirate said that pirates had captured the three on Tuesday. The captors would not harm the three but will want a ransom for their release, he said. The claim could not be independently verified.
The three employees work for the Danish Demining Group, whose experts have been clearing mines and unexploded ordnance in conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East.
"As a first priority, we have been concentrating on the ongoing investigations. We are keeping close contact with the family members, who are deeply concerned, just as we are," said Ann Mary Olsen, head of the Danish Refugee Council's international department.
Activities of the Danish Refugee Council, which runs the Danish Demining Group, have been suspended in the area. The group provided no other details and asked media outlets "to respect the need for confidentiality as investigations are ongoing."
A Nairobi-based security official said the demining group was traveling in a three-car convoy, including one vehicle of armed guards, but that the guards did not resist the kidnapping.
The three are believed to be on their way to a former pirate stronghold on the Somali coast, said the official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media.
Ahmed Mohamed, a police officer in the Somali town of Galkayo, said the aid workers had been heading to the airport when they crossed into a southern section of the city that is under clan control. The northern section of Galkayo is under the control of the semiautonomous region of Puntland.
Two Nairobi-based officials said the American woman is 32 and the Danish man is 60. The woman is a former school teacher, one official said.
Bile Hussein, the self-proclaimed pirate, said the three were abducted with the help of "insiders." Hussein has provided reliable information about pirate activities in Somalia to The Associated Press in the past. He said that capturing ships off East Africa is becoming harder -- ships are using stronger self-defense measures -- so pirates are looking for other ways to earn ransoms.
"They are now on the way to Gan town, and we shall treat them humanely and kindly. Our aim is all about a ransom, not harming them," Hussein said.
Christian Friis Bach, Denmark's minister for development cooperation, told Danish broadcaster DR that the demining group was working to help Somalis.
"That's why it's both sad and tragic that they have been struck by this kidnapping, and I hope their strong network and a collected effort also by the Foreign Ministry can resolve the situation quickly.," he said.
The kidnapping comes only weeks after the seizure of two women working for Doctors Without Borders from a refugee camp in neighboring Kenya, as well as the kidnappings of two European tourists from Kenya's coast -- one of whom later died. Somali gunmen were suspected in those attacks.
Kenya has sent at least 1,600 forces into southern Somalia to attack Al Qaeda-linked militants in response to those kidnappings, though it's not clear whether the al-Shabab fighters were responsible for the abductions.
The northern semiautonomous province of Puntland is generally considered more stable than most of the rest of Somalia, which is riven between pirate gangs, Islamist insurgents and militias and the weak U.N.-backed government in the capital. It has not had a functioning central government for the last 20 years.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Read more:
SuperMax Tanker attacked... Pirates Getting More "Sophisticated"-- likely source of sophistication is increased ransoms
The Somalia Report article at
says there is a possibility that the pirates are using night vision equipment in their attack on the tanker Brilliante Virtuoso-- these -- the older generation ones, can be bought over the internet.
The attack did not end up in a capture of the ship as the pirates hoped-- but it sure achieved the effect of setting the tanker on fire and a possibility of an ecological diasaster, which was avoided
It is not that the tanker was attacked with RPGs that alarms shipowners most. It is the fact that armed security was not posted. Armed security backed up by night vision scopes who will fire warning shots when suspicious boats come into the 300-400 metre range. It is recommended that security team be backed up by an infra-red (IR) system to cover any and all blindspots. We recommend IR systems from Zeiss Optronics. These systems are all weather, can track a moving target and have a high degree of resolution.
The installation of hard and soft security measures could have saved the tanker mentioned here a lot of grief and insurance premiums.
again-- if any tanker owner or ship manager wants to avoid trouble to their shipfarers, call us
stormorochalie (at)
We would be more than pleased to hear from you.
UPDATE: Oil Tanker Fire Off Yemen Extinguished After Attack

Image by Dmitrios
LONDON (Dow Jones)–A fire that broke out on an oil tanker after a pirate attack off the Yemeni coast has now been extinguished, an official at the company managing the ship said Wednesday.
Though a large-scale oil disaster appears to have been avoided, news of the fire on the 1 million barrels tanker will revive security fears on a shipping route that has suffered increasingly bold attacks from Somali pirates.
The fire “was extinguished,” said Andreas Louka, a legal adviser at Athens’ Central Mare Inc., the company managing the Brillante Virtuoso tanker.
Asked if the tanker, which was on its way from Ukraine to China, could still deliver its cargo, Louka said “they are going to assess” the damage first.
“The crew is safe, the vessel is safe. There is no pollution,” the official has previously said.
says there is a possibility that the pirates are using night vision equipment in their attack on the tanker Brilliante Virtuoso-- these -- the older generation ones, can be bought over the internet.
The attack did not end up in a capture of the ship as the pirates hoped-- but it sure achieved the effect of setting the tanker on fire and a possibility of an ecological diasaster, which was avoided
It is not that the tanker was attacked with RPGs that alarms shipowners most. It is the fact that armed security was not posted. Armed security backed up by night vision scopes who will fire warning shots when suspicious boats come into the 300-400 metre range. It is recommended that security team be backed up by an infra-red (IR) system to cover any and all blindspots. We recommend IR systems from Zeiss Optronics. These systems are all weather, can track a moving target and have a high degree of resolution.
The installation of hard and soft security measures could have saved the tanker mentioned here a lot of grief and insurance premiums.
again-- if any tanker owner or ship manager wants to avoid trouble to their shipfarers, call us
stormorochalie (at)
We would be more than pleased to hear from you.
UPDATE: Oil Tanker Fire Off Yemen Extinguished After Attack
Image by Dmitrios
LONDON (Dow Jones)–A fire that broke out on an oil tanker after a pirate attack off the Yemeni coast has now been extinguished, an official at the company managing the ship said Wednesday.
Though a large-scale oil disaster appears to have been avoided, news of the fire on the 1 million barrels tanker will revive security fears on a shipping route that has suffered increasingly bold attacks from Somali pirates.
The fire “was extinguished,” said Andreas Louka, a legal adviser at Athens’ Central Mare Inc., the company managing the Brillante Virtuoso tanker.
Asked if the tanker, which was on its way from Ukraine to China, could still deliver its cargo, Louka said “they are going to assess” the damage first.
“The crew is safe, the vessel is safe. There is no pollution,” the official has previously said.
-By Benoit Faucon, Dow Jones Newswires
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
We have had a lot of requests for Mexico City protective details so we are offering them.
Hiring us as foreign professionals is a bonus... we can assure clients that we are not as corrupt as the many Government officials and even Army and Police in Mexico are.
We will protect you from druglords, illegal checkpoints, advise on the best travel routes, and get you anywhere in Mexico as safely as possible and as quiet as possible without undue attention to you so you can go about your business with ease.
We will work with legit businessmen, politicians, and Government officials to provide for professional and discreet protective armed security details to provide for security convoys and even air security to hop from one point of the city to another by helicopter.
Read below for how dangerous Mexico is and can be. The Worst is not over yet.
Monday, 01 August 2011 10:52
Hiring us as foreign professionals is a bonus... we can assure clients that we are not as corrupt as the many Government officials and even Army and Police in Mexico are.
We will protect you from druglords, illegal checkpoints, advise on the best travel routes, and get you anywhere in Mexico as safely as possible and as quiet as possible without undue attention to you so you can go about your business with ease.
We will work with legit businessmen, politicians, and Government officials to provide for professional and discreet protective armed security details to provide for security convoys and even air security to hop from one point of the city to another by helicopter.
Read below for how dangerous Mexico is and can be. The Worst is not over yet.
Monday, 01 August 2011 10:52
Mexico Murder Reports Reveal Sharp Rise in Killings
Written by Patrick CorcoranProtective Security Assignments in Colombia and how to contact us
Colombia Factfile: Kidnap capital of the world - Telegraph
" Colombia's notorious kidnap trade is second only in profitability to drug trafficking, with over 3000 people snatched a year." BBC online...
We also offer protective security details in Colombia.
for all our protective and training services on this blog
please email us at the following
StormoRochalie (at)
" Colombia's notorious kidnap trade is second only in profitability to drug trafficking, with over 3000 people snatched a year." BBC online...
We also offer protective security details in Colombia.
for all our protective and training services on this blog
please email us at the following
StormoRochalie (at)
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Congratulations to the Libyans and Libya... post war private security for Government organizations, corporations and private citizens
Today we congratulate the Libyans on the beginning of a new Era.
US President Barack Obama told the Libyan people: "You have won your revolution."
Read more at:
The Libyan murderer Gaddafi is now dead and many tasks remain at hand...
rebuilding of infrastructure and rooting out of the remaining rebel fighters to ensure security.
We at Stormo Rochalie can provide security in the highly ambiguous situation with our high risk security squadrons. With the war 'still in progress' and with massive reconstruction programs in the making, even delivery of cargo to any Libyan port and from port to final destination on land (to a warehouse or factory) is not an easy task... there are armed gangs whose loyalties are not known and even if they are, its far better trusting security that you have purchased from us to deter any armed aggression including bomb and contraband sniffing K-9 dogs. You can trust us with a convoy security squadron.
Oil infrastructure and executives working or starting some kind of venture in Libya are especially vulnerable and need door to door security. Even for ships at sea exiting or entering African ports of call... all seas in Eastern and West African coasts are teeming with piracy.
We are actively advising several US Allied Middle Eastern corporations and governments on security issues now.
We not only offer security services, but training, aviation, intelligence and logistical support. Turnkey security for peace of mind. Right now in many areas undergoing reconstruction-- sometimes the only way is to travel, even if the distance is 20 KM-- by helicopter from building to building. This we can supply.
Any and all of the Middle Eastern governments who have experienced the Arab Spring are welcome to hire us for our expert security and stability maintainence services to better build a democratic society based on peace, justice and equalty to achieve prosperity and progress for their respective nations.
Feel free to email us for a quote or request for additional security services we can provide.
US President Barack Obama told the Libyan people: "You have won your revolution."
Read more at:
The Libyan murderer Gaddafi is now dead and many tasks remain at hand...
rebuilding of infrastructure and rooting out of the remaining rebel fighters to ensure security.
We at Stormo Rochalie can provide security in the highly ambiguous situation with our high risk security squadrons. With the war 'still in progress' and with massive reconstruction programs in the making, even delivery of cargo to any Libyan port and from port to final destination on land (to a warehouse or factory) is not an easy task... there are armed gangs whose loyalties are not known and even if they are, its far better trusting security that you have purchased from us to deter any armed aggression including bomb and contraband sniffing K-9 dogs. You can trust us with a convoy security squadron.
Oil infrastructure and executives working or starting some kind of venture in Libya are especially vulnerable and need door to door security. Even for ships at sea exiting or entering African ports of call... all seas in Eastern and West African coasts are teeming with piracy.
We are actively advising several US Allied Middle Eastern corporations and governments on security issues now.
We not only offer security services, but training, aviation, intelligence and logistical support. Turnkey security for peace of mind. Right now in many areas undergoing reconstruction-- sometimes the only way is to travel, even if the distance is 20 KM-- by helicopter from building to building. This we can supply.
Any and all of the Middle Eastern governments who have experienced the Arab Spring are welcome to hire us for our expert security and stability maintainence services to better build a democratic society based on peace, justice and equalty to achieve prosperity and progress for their respective nations.
Feel free to email us for a quote or request for additional security services we can provide.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Kidnap risks in African resorts... hire armed security while holidaying please.
1 October 2011 Last updated at 20:05 GMT
French woman kidnapped in Kenya resort
A French woman has been kidnapped by an armed gang on Kenya's northern resort island of Manda and taken to Somalia, Kenyan officials say.
The disabled woman, 66, was attacked at her bungalow at Ras Kitau. Kenya's government said it believed the abductors were al-Shabab militants. A Kenyan statement said some abductors were injured in a shootout with two Kenyan ships trying to stop them.
The kidnap comes three weeks after a UK couple were attacked further north.
Gunmen shot dead husband David Tebbutt and kidnapped his wife Judith in Kiwayu. She was taken across the border to Somalia.
'Hugely damaging'
The gunmen struck at Ras Kitau at 03:30 (00:30 GMT) on Saturday.
"An elderly, disabled French lady who has been living
Abu Chiaba, a local legislator, said the gang had come into Manda by boat in the middle of the night.
"The elderly French woman is well known in the area, she comes to Manda regularly," Mr Chiaba said.Witnesses say they heard at least two gunshots before the woman was taken away by the attackers.
"We were all startled awake because there were gunshots," said Jeremiah Kiptoon, who works on Manda island.
"The dogs were barking and people were screaming... I ran to the place to see what was happening but by the time I got there, the lady was gone."
Two coastguard vessels and a police helicopter chased the abductors, and were involved in an exchange of fire, Internal Security Minister George Saitoti said in a statement.
He said several of the abductors were injured but they still managed to enter Somali territory in a motor boat.
The government said "every effort" was being made to rescue the woman.
Kenya's Tourism Minister Najib Balala called for international assistance to help them in their efforts to secure the border with Somalia.
"Whatever we're going to do, if we don't have the support of the international community to address the Somali issue then it is very challenging to manage to man the border in Somalia."
France has warned French visitors to avoid the area.
The attack happened just across a lagoon from Shela - an exclusive resort on Lamu island.
This attack has the potential to do severe damage to Kenya's tourism industry, the BBC's Will Ross in Nairobi says.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Side Show II of our Gear for Security protection details
German gear really preferred by us for maritime protection...
Carl Walther and Heckler and Koch protection weapons for security details.
Carl Walther and Heckler and Koch protection weapons for security details.
Commander's Training
We realize there is a need for the following programs and they will be customized to your organization's Special Forces or Security Detail requirements
- Train the Trainer
- Squad Commander
- Mission Commander
- Senior Officer
Analysis of the MV Fairchem Bogey hijack and solutions to avoid a repeat. Troubling Questions to be answered.
- Why was maritime security team dropped off in an area frequented by pirates though the ship was anchored in port? Was this done to save money on a longer security detail?
- Why was there no infra red security camera system for a 360 degree view of the ship?
- Why was there no physical security hardening? Barbed wire surrounding all railings on the deck, men posted to get hot water fire hoses to flush the pirates back into the sea would have helped.
- Even a bullhorn or Public Address System could have helped to bluff the pirates a warning that they would be met with a hail of bullets if they penetrated the 300 metre radius safety zone. 300 metres is chosen as this is the max effective range of an RPG. Even passive systems such as very visible fake warning signs posted in Arabic/Somali and English could have warned the pirates that an armed team is on board... please stay away.
- Lastly Why were CAPTAIN and CREW not posted on a 360 degree watch to watch for incoming pirate skiffs? Were they even trained to hide in the Citadel and were measures and training in place for a total shutdown of engine and power of the entire ship to deter pirates?
Thursday, 13 October 2011
A side show of our gear
and the elite jet provider that we advise our clients to use
New courses for Military, Private Securty Corps and Government only
- Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) Awareness Training and
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRE) facilities protection using armed teams training.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
More on the Cape Bird...
20 man crew on hijacked vessel off Nigeria: firm
Twenty eastern European sailors are on board an oil tanker hijacked by pirates off the Nigerian coast, the German shipping company that employs them said on Wednesday.
A spokesman for the Columbia Ship Management, based in the northern German city of Hamburg, told AFP there were "20 members of the crew, who come from eastern Europe."
"We have been in contact with the vessel," added the spokesman who did not wish to be named. He was unable to say if the pirates had made any demands or whether the crew was in good health.
Pirates boarded the Marshall Islands-flagged MT Cape Bird on Saturday, according to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB).
The attack took place around 90 nautical miles south of Lagos, Nigeria's economic capital, according to a report on the IMB website.
A spokesman for the Nigerian navy said that the tanker was carrying 30,000 tonnes of fuel.
The Moscow-based Seafarers Union of Russia, citing a "reliable source," said the crew includes three Russians from the Black Sea city of Novorossiisk as well as nationals of Georgia, Ukraine and the Baltic nation of Latvia.
"The shipping company has already informed the seamen's families about the incident," it said, adding, "Talks on the terms of release of the ship and crew members have already begun."
Citing data from October 11, Russia's prominent maritime expert Mikhail Voitenko said separately that "the crew of 20 people has not been hurt."
The coast of Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer, is a dangerous place to sail, with pirates hijacking ships, mostly loaded with crude, from the oil-rich Niger Delta, for sale on the region's lucrative black market.
On October 2, pirates armed with automatic weapons fired upon and boarded a chemical tanker off neighbouring Benin before stealing cash, the latest in a wave of such attacks off west Africa, IMB said.
The coast of Benin has seen some 20 piracy incidents this year compared with none last year. Piracy has long been a problem off Nigeria.
Benin and Nigeria launched joint sea patrols last month to tackle the surge in piracy that has raised alarm in the shipping industry, with attacks seeing crews held hostage and fuel stolen.
A spokesman for the Columbia Ship Management, based in the northern German city of Hamburg, told AFP there were "20 members of the crew, who come from eastern Europe."
"We have been in contact with the vessel," added the spokesman who did not wish to be named. He was unable to say if the pirates had made any demands or whether the crew was in good health.
Pirates boarded the Marshall Islands-flagged MT Cape Bird on Saturday, according to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB).
The attack took place around 90 nautical miles south of Lagos, Nigeria's economic capital, according to a report on the IMB website.
A spokesman for the Nigerian navy said that the tanker was carrying 30,000 tonnes of fuel.
The Moscow-based Seafarers Union of Russia, citing a "reliable source," said the crew includes three Russians from the Black Sea city of Novorossiisk as well as nationals of Georgia, Ukraine and the Baltic nation of Latvia.
"The shipping company has already informed the seamen's families about the incident," it said, adding, "Talks on the terms of release of the ship and crew members have already begun."
Citing data from October 11, Russia's prominent maritime expert Mikhail Voitenko said separately that "the crew of 20 people has not been hurt."
The coast of Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer, is a dangerous place to sail, with pirates hijacking ships, mostly loaded with crude, from the oil-rich Niger Delta, for sale on the region's lucrative black market.
On October 2, pirates armed with automatic weapons fired upon and boarded a chemical tanker off neighbouring Benin before stealing cash, the latest in a wave of such attacks off west Africa, IMB said.
The coast of Benin has seen some 20 piracy incidents this year compared with none last year. Piracy has long been a problem off Nigeria.
Benin and Nigeria launched joint sea patrols last month to tackle the surge in piracy that has raised alarm in the shipping industry, with attacks seeing crews held hostage and fuel stolen.
West Meets West-- West Coast of Africa now a Pirates Haven. We can protect you!
Owner: 20 sailors on tanker seized off Nigeria
by YINKA IBUKUN Associated Press
Updated 10:36 PM Oct 12, 2011
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - Twenty Eastern European sailors have been captured by pirates who seized an oil tanker off the coast of Nigeria, the vessel's owner said Wednesday.
The MT Cape Bird, hijacked about 90 nautical miles from Lagos on Saturday night, is still drifting there with the sailors and pirates onboard, said a spokesman for the United Product Tankers GmbH & Co. KG in Hamburg, Germany.
The spokesman could not comment on whether or not contact had been established with the vessel and did not know the nationalities of the sailors. He spoke on condition of anonymity in line with company policy.
The Nigerian Navy has said it received reports that the vessel was carrying either crude oil or refined gasoline. The United Product Tankers spokesman said the cargo was an oil product, but that he did not think it was crude.
Nigerian Navy vessels have orders to stop the tanker if they find it and to arrest the hijackers.
Analysts expect the ship and its crew to be released within the next few days.
"We know that in some of the cases, they get a ransom, but that is a small amount compared to the main target," said Hans Tino Hansen, CEO of the Denmark-based security firm Risk Intelligence. "The main target is either to use the ship to transfer oil or to steal the crude or refined oil that is on board."
Hijacked ships off the West African coast are usually released after about ten days, he said.
The hijacking is the latest to target West Africa's Gulf of Guinea, which follows the continent's southward curve from Liberia to Gabon. Over the last eight months, piracy in the oil-rich region has escalated from low-level armed robberies to hijackings and cargo thefts, according to Risk Intelligence.
In August, London-based Lloyd's Market Association, an umbrella group of insurers, listed Nigeria, neighboring Benin and nearby waters in the same risk category as Somalia, where two decades of war and anarchy have allowed piracy to flourish. However, some analysts say Somali-style piracy is much different to the kind now growing in West African waters.
Risk Intelligence research suggests that that Somali pirates keep hostages for six to eight months and walk away with ransoms averaging $5 million dollars.
"In Nigerian hijackings, they may get a value of crude or refined oil worth twice or four times as much, and they get it in a week," Hansen said.
The MT Cape Bird, hijacked about 90 nautical miles from Lagos on Saturday night, is still drifting there with the sailors and pirates onboard, said a spokesman for the United Product Tankers GmbH & Co. KG in Hamburg, Germany.
The spokesman could not comment on whether or not contact had been established with the vessel and did not know the nationalities of the sailors. He spoke on condition of anonymity in line with company policy.
The Nigerian Navy has said it received reports that the vessel was carrying either crude oil or refined gasoline. The United Product Tankers spokesman said the cargo was an oil product, but that he did not think it was crude.
Nigerian Navy vessels have orders to stop the tanker if they find it and to arrest the hijackers.
Analysts expect the ship and its crew to be released within the next few days.
"We know that in some of the cases, they get a ransom, but that is a small amount compared to the main target," said Hans Tino Hansen, CEO of the Denmark-based security firm Risk Intelligence. "The main target is either to use the ship to transfer oil or to steal the crude or refined oil that is on board."
Hijacked ships off the West African coast are usually released after about ten days, he said.
The hijacking is the latest to target West Africa's Gulf of Guinea, which follows the continent's southward curve from Liberia to Gabon. Over the last eight months, piracy in the oil-rich region has escalated from low-level armed robberies to hijackings and cargo thefts, according to Risk Intelligence.
In August, London-based Lloyd's Market Association, an umbrella group of insurers, listed Nigeria, neighboring Benin and nearby waters in the same risk category as Somalia, where two decades of war and anarchy have allowed piracy to flourish. However, some analysts say Somali-style piracy is much different to the kind now growing in West African waters.
Risk Intelligence research suggests that that Somali pirates keep hostages for six to eight months and walk away with ransoms averaging $5 million dollars.
"In Nigerian hijackings, they may get a value of crude or refined oil worth twice or four times as much, and they get it in a week," Hansen said.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Friday, 7 October 2011
Get Me and My Family Out of this Crisis... Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, wherever
We have done VIP extractions in politically troubled areas and warzones before.
These VIPs are usually rich businessmen in need of a fast ticket out when major airports in their countries are closed and armed hordes are running around with guns. It makes any journey unsafe.
What we will usually do, is to get the VIP client to the nearest safe airport first, usually by helicopter or armed security convoy. This requires detailed study of maps, ground intel on the situation, use of local informants to reach VIP's extraction point etc.
As you can guess-- situations in Libya and other war torn areas are particularly unsafe now for airplanes given the RPG and shoulder launched anti-aircraft missile threats.
Hence we usually go in at night.
A ground marking and security team will be in place with IR chemlights plus a ground placed codeword for the helicopter to land.
The Jet transporting the client to wherever destination-- usually some place in Europe will usually be specially chartered and pilots told to fly in a cockscrew fashion to a high cruise altitude within airport boundaries to avoid missiles. Some missions have the VIP using his own jet... which we have to secure first with additional teams before taking client to the airport. Jet security requires securing both hangar area as well as the jet itself and using our own jet and refueling and maintainence crew to make sure everything is safe.
We only work with pilots and crew who have completed missions with us before to ensure everybody sings from the same page of music.
Even the helicopter journey to the airport requires special skills to fly... low and fast with night vision goggles plus glare from citylights and streaking random rounds in the air. There might be a door gunner for added security depending on the mission. Our mission planners chose the safest route with least vehicular and human traffic to avoid incidents.
This requires liason with our people on the ground, in some cases paying off certain parties, armed gangs etc to look the other way to get our convoy safe.
Lastly-- have a safe journey with us. You will be served caviar and champagne on almost every chartered flight. Relax-- we will be with you.
We have never had a casualty.
These VIPs are usually rich businessmen in need of a fast ticket out when major airports in their countries are closed and armed hordes are running around with guns. It makes any journey unsafe.
What we will usually do, is to get the VIP client to the nearest safe airport first, usually by helicopter or armed security convoy. This requires detailed study of maps, ground intel on the situation, use of local informants to reach VIP's extraction point etc.
As you can guess-- situations in Libya and other war torn areas are particularly unsafe now for airplanes given the RPG and shoulder launched anti-aircraft missile threats.
Hence we usually go in at night.
A ground marking and security team will be in place with IR chemlights plus a ground placed codeword for the helicopter to land.
The Jet transporting the client to wherever destination-- usually some place in Europe will usually be specially chartered and pilots told to fly in a cockscrew fashion to a high cruise altitude within airport boundaries to avoid missiles. Some missions have the VIP using his own jet... which we have to secure first with additional teams before taking client to the airport. Jet security requires securing both hangar area as well as the jet itself and using our own jet and refueling and maintainence crew to make sure everything is safe.
We only work with pilots and crew who have completed missions with us before to ensure everybody sings from the same page of music.
Even the helicopter journey to the airport requires special skills to fly... low and fast with night vision goggles plus glare from citylights and streaking random rounds in the air. There might be a door gunner for added security depending on the mission. Our mission planners chose the safest route with least vehicular and human traffic to avoid incidents.
This requires liason with our people on the ground, in some cases paying off certain parties, armed gangs etc to look the other way to get our convoy safe.
Lastly-- have a safe journey with us. You will be served caviar and champagne on almost every chartered flight. Relax-- we will be with you.
We have never had a casualty.
U.S. Admiral: military ships can't stop Somali piracy
By Adam Entous
WASHINGTON | Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:44am IST (Reuters) - Commercial ships traversing the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean should be armed to defend themselves against marauding Somali pirates because international warships can't do the whole job and won't be there forever, a top U.S. Navy admiral said on Thursday.
Seaborne gangs of pirates have stepped up hijack attacks on vessels in recent months, making tens of millions of dollars in ransoms by seizing ships, including tankers, despite the presence of dozens of foreign naval vessels.
"We could put a World War Two fleet of ships out there and we still wouldn't be able to cover the whole ocean," said Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, commander of U.S. Naval Forces, Europe and Africa, citing attacks from the Gulf of Aden and the Mozambique Channel to off the coast of India.
Overwhelmed by the scope of the maritime problem, the United States has called for a greater international-led focus on going after the pirate money trail.
Underscoring the financial impact of piracy, Fitzgerald said he was told by Kenyan officials that prime real estate in Mombasa and Nairobi were being "bought up by rich Somalis" who lead clans which control piracy syndicates. He cited a similar investment trend in Ethiopian property.
"The U.S. can't go this alone," he said.
Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, Fitzgerald said it was "incumbent upon the vessels who are sailing the high seas to either protect themselves or accept the dangers."
Asked if he would recommend that commercial ships arm themselves, Fitzgerald said: "I think they should."
Some ships already have armed guards on board. Others are using protective devices to try to keep pirates at bay.
"Commercial ships should take appropriate protections ... because we cannot offer 100 percent guarantees of protection as the ships go through," Fitzgerald said, putting the onus on the maritime industry to decide "how seriously they want to take this on."
On any given day, between 30 and 40 international ships are involved in anti-pirating efforts in the Somali basin and the western Indian Ocean. That includes five to 10 American vessels, Fitzgerald said.
"Yet we're still getting piracy incidents happening," he said, citing the ability of the gangs to "adapt to our tactics" by shifting attacks to areas where there are fewer international patrols, such as near Seychelles or the Mozambique strait.
"I don't think we can sustain the level of operation that we have down there forever," Fitzgerald said, noting that the daily patrols were limiting the number of U.S. Navy ships available for other priorities.
"It tends to concentrate all of our fleet logistics in that one area," Fitzgerald said. "I'd much rather be able to use those ships in other areas for doing other things."
"It costs a lot of money to keep ships down there. It's a lot of wear-and-tear on the ships themselves. And there are other things going on in the world," he added.
The recent capture of five suspected pirates by the U.S. warship Nicholas, in the Indian Ocean west of the Seychelles, has put a spotlight on the thorny issue of how and where to try and jail Somalis who are taken into custody.
"Catch and release is not a very good option," Fitzgerald said, noting that Kenya has decided not to take any more captured pirates. "How do we deal with this? We've got to come to some kind of solution."
Fitzgerald said officials with the U.S. departments of State and Justice were trying to come up with a plan for those being held on the USS Nicholas.
(Reporting by Adam Entous; editing by Patricia Wilson and Eric Beech)
Quick Reaction Force
Always have a Quick Reaction Force on Security Details -- a backup unit, in case things go badly wrong.
QRF should be HEAVILY ARMED to deter any further attacks on the client being guarded.
Radio communications for Medical Help and QRF should always be at hand.
QRF should be HEAVILY ARMED to deter any further attacks on the client being guarded.
Radio communications for Medical Help and QRF should always be at hand.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Training Areas around the world
We have access to many training areas and environments worldwide. The US, UK, South America, Israel, Jordan and Australia and Japan.
While we understand there are many ''training consultancies"-- it all boils down to a relationship and training culture and effectiveness, and learning retention by client-candidates and instructor experience.
We are glad you have considered us.
While we understand there are many ''training consultancies"-- it all boils down to a relationship and training culture and effectiveness, and learning retention by client-candidates and instructor experience.
We are glad you have considered us.
Tips for VIP security detail clients
- Do be frank about your security expectations and recent security anomalies. Even a threat by phone or email should be evaluated by your security detail.
- Never ask your security detail if you can see or even horseplay with their weapons.
- Never argue with your security detail if they tell you a particular route is unsafe. If you were the expert-- you would not be hiring security yourself.
- Ensure that no one else besides your family members and security detail knows the exact times of departure and arrival or even flight numbers and airports.
- Ensure your security detail is low key-- that is blended into your specific environment. If it is a business trip, the security personnel would be in business suits and so on for less formal events.
- Never argue with the Mission Commander when he says there will and should be a mix of overt and low key (covert) security personnel in the mix. Situations warrant it.
- Do bear with some inconveniences-- such as a decoy convoy ahead or after yours and waiting after the appointed times or arriving way in advance for trips. Its all for your safety and security.
- Lastly, do not boast to clients and associates that you have this and that for security. It makes for gossip and our job as security detail personnel much harder.
- If possible when landing in third world nation states for just a few hours-- use your executive jet or the airport as a meeting place in a private boardroom. Why risk security travelling from the airport to some hotel you are not familiar with?
VIP Travel Security and Security Detail
One open source method in which we will use to deduce travel risks in a foreign land is perhaps the
Transparency International Corruption perceptions Index here
the lower the country's ranking-- the more dangerous it will be and is for you to travel without a security detail there.
To our knowledge-- their skill level is not up to date and their use of armed and unarmed (non lethal) methods is lacklustre to say the very least. In short-- very undependable.
Instead-- take along a security detail that is based in the US or Western Europe or developed North Asia.
Mission and Security Planners should make sure clients will not be using same entry and exits for buildings, same travel routes and NEVER should the arrival and exit times be known outside the Security Detail.
Mission Planners should have at least maps and satellite photos of the starting and end points.
Transparency International Corruption perceptions Index here
the lower the country's ranking-- the more dangerous it will be and is for you to travel without a security detail there.
To our knowledge-- their skill level is not up to date and their use of armed and unarmed (non lethal) methods is lacklustre to say the very least. In short-- very undependable.
Instead-- take along a security detail that is based in the US or Western Europe or developed North Asia.
Mission and Security Planners should make sure clients will not be using same entry and exits for buildings, same travel routes and NEVER should the arrival and exit times be known outside the Security Detail.
Mission Planners should have at least maps and satellite photos of the starting and end points.
Fun Factoid-- Sucker Punch!
Just a little Factoid here readers...
In African and Middle Eastern Operations...
Our Command Element is always termed internally as "AMBER"
The 4 squads in action are termed...
Sweet Pea
after the girls of the Sci-Fi action movie SUCKER PUNCH! ;)
In African and Middle Eastern Operations...
Our Command Element is always termed internally as "AMBER"
The 4 squads in action are termed...
Sweet Pea
after the girls of the Sci-Fi action movie SUCKER PUNCH! ;)
Essential reading for Private Luxury Yacht Owners
Luxury yacht sizes are becoming almost as large as cruise liners....
Even for small yachts sailing through any water bodies-- Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Straits of Meleka or even Indonesian island waters... it is recommended that yacht owners and captains, who are mainly not firearms qualified carry some sort of protection with them--- in the form of armed security professionals like us.
Even if the seafarers are firearms qualified-- details such as firearms licencing and transport are best left to us professionals to negotiate with customs etc... filling in of firearms and security export.import forms can be complex... and would not it be nice to have a professional security team(s) while you and family and friends enjoy the ocean journey? You steer-- we do the fighting. All professional security teams are equipped with radios, night vision devices and legal firearms for theatre of operations.
Security teams can also accompany crews on shore leave while another stay behind team safeguards the physical security of the hull in port. This is essential in parts of the world where there is only the law of the jungle.
We are also able to arrange with EUNAVFOR or the Chinese Navy in Gulf of Aden waters to provide for ship or convoy support to deter piracy by sailing very close to them. This is a very safe option and comes with a fee. Naval Convoy protection is also available for merchant shipping in addition to security teams who will liason with our eyes in the air-- maritime surveillance planes from various navies in the Gulf of Aden.
These are three cases of what happened when the yacht owners failed to follow security precautions.
NOTE-- Case #2-- all seafarers were tragically mortally wounded.
Even for small yachts sailing through any water bodies-- Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Straits of Meleka or even Indonesian island waters... it is recommended that yacht owners and captains, who are mainly not firearms qualified carry some sort of protection with them--- in the form of armed security professionals like us.
Even if the seafarers are firearms qualified-- details such as firearms licencing and transport are best left to us professionals to negotiate with customs etc... filling in of firearms and security export.import forms can be complex... and would not it be nice to have a professional security team(s) while you and family and friends enjoy the ocean journey? You steer-- we do the fighting. All professional security teams are equipped with radios, night vision devices and legal firearms for theatre of operations.
Security teams can also accompany crews on shore leave while another stay behind team safeguards the physical security of the hull in port. This is essential in parts of the world where there is only the law of the jungle.
We are also able to arrange with EUNAVFOR or the Chinese Navy in Gulf of Aden waters to provide for ship or convoy support to deter piracy by sailing very close to them. This is a very safe option and comes with a fee. Naval Convoy protection is also available for merchant shipping in addition to security teams who will liason with our eyes in the air-- maritime surveillance planes from various navies in the Gulf of Aden.
These are three cases of what happened when the yacht owners failed to follow security precautions.
NOTE-- Case #2-- all seafarers were tragically mortally wounded.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Maritime Security-- You deserve what you pay for.
Maritime Security for merchant vessels and tankers....
Lots of ship owners and managers tend to save costs in this area without the insurance company's knowledge that they are in fact using unarmed teams just as lookouts. Some owners just pay lip service by employing 'shopping mall quality security guards' to sail with ships-- armed only with shotguns.
The 'worst' kind of security involves using just crew members as lookouts without ship security hardening (employment of concertina fences or high pressure hot water hoses to flush way pirates).
At the time of this writing-- a merchant ship-- MV FB (do and internet search and go to to guess the name of this vessel) used crew as lookouts. The 100 percent Indian crew were asleep at the time of the hijack and did not even see the pirate skiffs sending out pirates to board. We can sumrise the crews woke up to an AK-47 to their heads. The Captain failed in his duty and so did the crew as no 360 degree watch was posted.
At Stormo Rochalie, 80 percent of our maritime security personnel were former Naval Commandos. The other 20 percent were former special forces from the land and air arms who have received additional training by us to qualify as maritime security team members.
Maritime Security involves study of naval and civil maritime laws for Rules of Engagement... UN Laws of the Sea and knowledge of 'greywater' firearm engagements. Some routes allow for automatic weapons, some routes only allow for hunting rifles, as such-- personnel need to be well versed for each type of weapon.
Maritime Security should involve co-ordination with the Captain of the ship... when a pirate attack is imminent... and the security team sees on radar and visual that a suspicious looking boat has been shadowing the client's vessel for several miles... its probably time for battle stations and crew to start water hoses and prepare for entry into the Citadel. Captain should prepared for a total shutdown of engine and computer systems so pirates can go nowhere with the ship.
Lots of ship owners and managers tend to save costs in this area without the insurance company's knowledge that they are in fact using unarmed teams just as lookouts. Some owners just pay lip service by employing 'shopping mall quality security guards' to sail with ships-- armed only with shotguns.
The 'worst' kind of security involves using just crew members as lookouts without ship security hardening (employment of concertina fences or high pressure hot water hoses to flush way pirates).
At the time of this writing-- a merchant ship-- MV FB (do and internet search and go to to guess the name of this vessel) used crew as lookouts. The 100 percent Indian crew were asleep at the time of the hijack and did not even see the pirate skiffs sending out pirates to board. We can sumrise the crews woke up to an AK-47 to their heads. The Captain failed in his duty and so did the crew as no 360 degree watch was posted.
At Stormo Rochalie, 80 percent of our maritime security personnel were former Naval Commandos. The other 20 percent were former special forces from the land and air arms who have received additional training by us to qualify as maritime security team members.
Maritime Security involves study of naval and civil maritime laws for Rules of Engagement... UN Laws of the Sea and knowledge of 'greywater' firearm engagements. Some routes allow for automatic weapons, some routes only allow for hunting rifles, as such-- personnel need to be well versed for each type of weapon.
Maritime Security should involve co-ordination with the Captain of the ship... when a pirate attack is imminent... and the security team sees on radar and visual that a suspicious looking boat has been shadowing the client's vessel for several miles... its probably time for battle stations and crew to start water hoses and prepare for entry into the Citadel. Captain should prepared for a total shutdown of engine and computer systems so pirates can go nowhere with the ship.
Anatomy of a Hostage Rescue in Sudan
We are often asked about hostage rescues. Oil company executives -- particularly Westerners pose a very lucrative and vulnerable target.
Case A. Operation Crimson Albatross.
An French oil executive-- Vivier LaForge in Sudan was spirited away by several armed men as he exited his Western oil processing facility.
Kidnappers asked for 6M US Dollars by phone and threatened to beat Mr Laforge more.
Victim's family contacted us and asked us to try to negotiate the release of the hostage and use reason before force.
When it was determined that force would finally be used and that kidnappers were getting serious...
We made use of 20 Special Operations team members. Making use of network of contacts in Sudan... we built up the kidnappers profiles, weapons used, and level of professionalism. It was determined that there were 3 kidnappers in the hostage keep-- located in a 3rd level apartment block in the city center's market.
Satellite photos were taken of the target area and increased Recce and Surveillance was done on the hostage keep by two Operators (snipers) dressed as locals posted in an aparment block 500 metres away.
Photos of the type of windows, wall materials of the hostage keep, and possible landing zones (LZs) for helicopters were taken by our R and S team over a period of 2 weeks. Photos were corelated with detailed maps.
Time from hostage incident was now 3 weeks. We had the hostage family keep talking to the kidnappers to buy time and build up a clearer intelligence picture for our Intelligence Officer. We had to know the constitution of the kidnapping team-- their weapons, their level of motivation and their level of seriousness in carrying out the threats of further harm to the hostage.
It was finally decided that kidnappers threats to execute hostage by a certain dateline had to come to and end and a call was made by the Mission Commander to execute the mission.
0300 hours was the set time for building entry.
at 0230 hours-- the 20 Special Forces paratroopers dropped from an AN-12 cargo plane.
At 0250 hours-- the men-- divided into two separate teams-- one the SHOOTER team and the other the PERIMETER security team formed up.
At 0258-- the frame charge to destroy the door to the hostage keep was pasted
Case A. Operation Crimson Albatross.
An French oil executive-- Vivier LaForge in Sudan was spirited away by several armed men as he exited his Western oil processing facility.
Kidnappers asked for 6M US Dollars by phone and threatened to beat Mr Laforge more.
Victim's family contacted us and asked us to try to negotiate the release of the hostage and use reason before force.
When it was determined that force would finally be used and that kidnappers were getting serious...
We made use of 20 Special Operations team members. Making use of network of contacts in Sudan... we built up the kidnappers profiles, weapons used, and level of professionalism. It was determined that there were 3 kidnappers in the hostage keep-- located in a 3rd level apartment block in the city center's market.
Satellite photos were taken of the target area and increased Recce and Surveillance was done on the hostage keep by two Operators (snipers) dressed as locals posted in an aparment block 500 metres away.
Photos of the type of windows, wall materials of the hostage keep, and possible landing zones (LZs) for helicopters were taken by our R and S team over a period of 2 weeks. Photos were corelated with detailed maps.
Time from hostage incident was now 3 weeks. We had the hostage family keep talking to the kidnappers to buy time and build up a clearer intelligence picture for our Intelligence Officer. We had to know the constitution of the kidnapping team-- their weapons, their level of motivation and their level of seriousness in carrying out the threats of further harm to the hostage.
It was finally decided that kidnappers threats to execute hostage by a certain dateline had to come to and end and a call was made by the Mission Commander to execute the mission.
0300 hours was the set time for building entry.
at 0230 hours-- the 20 Special Forces paratroopers dropped from an AN-12 cargo plane.
At 0250 hours-- the men-- divided into two separate teams-- one the SHOOTER team and the other the PERIMETER security team formed up.
At 0258-- the frame charge to destroy the door to the hostage keep was pasted
Origins of Stormo Rochalie
We are asked often what is Stormo Rochalie...
Stormo is Italian for "Squadron."
Rochalie is a girl's name, and is a favorite name of the Founder.
Stormo Rochalie was the first high risk squadron inaugurated for African hostage rescues. Squadron composed of all Tier-1 former Special Forces operators.
Stormo is Italian for "Squadron."
Rochalie is a girl's name, and is a favorite name of the Founder.
Stormo Rochalie was the first high risk squadron inaugurated for African hostage rescues. Squadron composed of all Tier-1 former Special Forces operators.
Employment at Stormo Rochalie
We are an agency with Tier 1 operators.
As such we welcome applications from
US former Special Forces, Marines, Delta Force, Navy SEALS etc
We also welcome UK Royal Marines, SAS and SBS former operators.
German the KSK-- KampfSchwimmerKompanie and Kommando Spezial Krafte are also welcome.
Our current projects concentrate on hostage rescue in Africa and maritime-anti piracy.
Former Maritime commandos looking for a demanding employer and a good salary are especially welcome to apply.
As such we welcome applications from
US former Special Forces, Marines, Delta Force, Navy SEALS etc
We also welcome UK Royal Marines, SAS and SBS former operators.
German the KSK-- KampfSchwimmerKompanie and Kommando Spezial Krafte are also welcome.
Our current projects concentrate on hostage rescue in Africa and maritime-anti piracy.
Former Maritime commandos looking for a demanding employer and a good salary are especially welcome to apply.
Monday, 3 October 2011
We are in the process of building a WARBIRD CLUB / RED FLAG TEAM to fly against USAF and Allied pilots in our facility in the USA.
We will offer flight training for new pilots as well.
Our projected types of aircraft that will be available include
We will offer flight training for new pilots as well.
Our projected types of aircraft that will be available include
- Marchetti S211
- Alenia M346 Master
- Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano, also named ALX or A-29
- Possibly the Sukhoi SU-30
Special Forces Courses
We are a a Private Military Corporation working with Allied Governments, Ministry of Defence, and various Police Departments to provide training services.
Please call on us. We speak English, Chinese, German, Russian as well as Arabic.
Our courses offered-- up to and including elite counter terrorist unit development are listed as below.
We also provide the following armed security services in HIGH RISK areas such as IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and LIBYA and various parts of AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST and LATIN AMERICA. For areas of operation within Russia and former Soviet Union (CIS) please enquire.
Courses Offered...
1 Day Personal Security Awareness and Response Seminar
(For Corporations / Organizations and Civilian Groups)
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Pistol
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Carbine
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Weapons Course
(Pistol /Carbine Combo)
3 and 5 Day Executive Protection Course
2 Day Low Visibility / Plainclothes Tactical
Operations Course
3 and 5 Day High Risk Security Operations / Personal Security Detail Course
5 Day Hostage Rescue School
5 Day Advanced SWAT School
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Entry Course
Fully Operational Counter-Insurgency Unit Development Course
We have, and continue to provide mission support training services to government agencies of developing nations all over the world. We understand that many countries have limited levels of experience and training for dealing with terrorism and other local threats on a tactical level. We will partner with you and your country by coming directly to you to help maximize your tax dollars and build for you a fully operational Police or military counter-insurgency force or enhancing the operational capabilities of your current security forces though cutting edge special forces training.
Project Development Specifics Include:
• Manpower Selection and Unit Tryouts
• Equipment, Gear, Weapons Selection and Import
• Vehicle and Aircraft Selection and Import
• Training Facility Design and Construction
• Multiple Specialty Section, Counter-Insurgency Force Deployment-Ready Training
Location: Your Country
Government representatives or businesses working closely with governments should contact us for
more information
Please call on us. We speak English, Chinese, German, Russian as well as Arabic.
Our courses offered-- up to and including elite counter terrorist unit development are listed as below.
We also provide the following armed security services in HIGH RISK areas such as IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and LIBYA and various parts of AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST and LATIN AMERICA. For areas of operation within Russia and former Soviet Union (CIS) please enquire.
- Convoy Escorts
- Hostage Negotions and Rescue
- Armed Escorts
- Integrated Security Teams
- Executive Protection
- Guard Force Training
- Facility Vulnerability Testing (Red Teaming)
- Pirated Vessels Hostage Crisis Support Services (currently a hot topic for Gulf of Aden)
We specialize in hostage rescue services for vessels currently under siege by pirates. We employ highly trained Special-Forces teams capable of finding and retaking your vessel with minimum risk.
Maritime Security and Maritime Security Training
We can can fully secure your vessel by providing you with special-forces trained security personnel for high risk voyages in and through the Horn of Africa / Gulf of Aden. We provide security services that are both cost effective and provide a high level of tactical ability allowing for an aggressive shutdown of pirates trying to seize your ship. We can also offer you protection specifically while you are moving through the African horn/Gulf of Aden as well, by boarding just for those high risk areas to offer you protection. Please enquire.
In addition to providing physical protection and tactical response services to your fleet, we can train your existing security personnel to be able to realistically and effectively protect your vessels in the event of a real attack. Please email us to find out more
Insurgent attacks, terrorists operations and internal conflict create dangerous working conditions for organizations doing business conducting business within these borders. Protecting these people and assets allowing them to achieve their business objectives is what we do. We will partner with you to help you create a fully-integrated multi-layered security program.
We provide Tier-1 armed escorts for personnel and assets through out high-risk regions getting your people and your goods where they need to be safely. Stormo Rochalie security is fully compliant with all laws and we are registered and licensed in the countries we operate in. Our security specialists are quiet professionals experienced in low profile, high level asset protection, that includes presidential and ambassador level details, special operations training, counter terrorism training and high-risk crisis management.
~~~~~~~~~~We provide Tier-1 armed escorts for personnel and assets through out high-risk regions getting your people and your goods where they need to be safely. Stormo Rochalie security is fully compliant with all laws and we are registered and licensed in the countries we operate in. Our security specialists are quiet professionals experienced in low profile, high level asset protection, that includes presidential and ambassador level details, special operations training, counter terrorism training and high-risk crisis management.
Courses Offered...
1 Day Personal Security Awareness and Response Seminar
(For Corporations / Organizations and Civilian Groups)
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Pistol
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Carbine
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Weapons Course
(Pistol /Carbine Combo)
3 and 5 Day Executive Protection Course
1 Day Bus Interdiction Course
2 Day Low Visibility / Plainclothes Tactical
Operations Course
3 Day Active Shooter Training
3 and 5 Day High Risk Security Operations / Personal Security Detail Course
5 Day Hostage Rescue School
5 Day Advanced SWAT School
3 Day Special Forces Tactical Entry Course
Fully Operational Counter-Insurgency Unit Development Course
We have, and continue to provide mission support training services to government agencies of developing nations all over the world. We understand that many countries have limited levels of experience and training for dealing with terrorism and other local threats on a tactical level. We will partner with you and your country by coming directly to you to help maximize your tax dollars and build for you a fully operational Police or military counter-insurgency force or enhancing the operational capabilities of your current security forces though cutting edge special forces training.
Project Development Specifics Include:
• Manpower Selection and Unit Tryouts
• Equipment, Gear, Weapons Selection and Import
• Vehicle and Aircraft Selection and Import
• Training Facility Design and Construction
• Multiple Specialty Section, Counter-Insurgency Force Deployment-Ready Training
Location: Your Country
Government representatives or businesses working closely with governments should contact us for
more information
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